Parson: I’m Not Anti-Mask, I’m Anti-Mandates

Parson: I’m Not Anti-Mask, I’m Anti-Mandates

Parson: I’m Not Anti-Mask, I’m Anti-Mandates

Springfield City Council discussed asking the Governor for a statewide face mask ordinance during its council luncheon on Tuesday.

But Governor Parson says he won’t issue one.

“I am not anti-mask. What I am is anti-mandates. I don’t think it’s the state’s place to mandate for everybody in the state of Missouri to wear a mask.”

Parson made the comments to a daily coronavirus briefing in Jefferson City.

Some Springfield City Council members say a statewide ordinance could help local hospitals slow the surge in coronavirus cases.

But State Health Director Randall Williams says there’s no need for a statewide mandate.

He says more than 80 counties are reporting one or less deaths from the virus.

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